Company and accreditations

Certi W is a certification and inspection body. Certification is subject to supervision. Even the certification bodies are audited by the relevant authorities. Certi W takes all measures necessary to meet the requirements of independence, competence and impartiality. In this way ensures the reliability of its decisions.

Certi W is accredited by Latak, a member of the MLA. For information on the updated perimeter of accreditation please click here.

MLA is an agreement signed between members of the EA certification bodies to recognize equivalence, reliability and consequently certification, inspections, accredited calibration certificates and test reports across Europe.

MLA gives confidence in the services offered by accredited laboratories, of inspection and certification, ensuring the passage for products and services in Europe and throughout the world, acting as a “passport for trade”. In accordance with the requirements of accreditation aiming to guarantee the independence and impartiality of its certification work, Certi W has established Certification Advisory Council.

He supervises the activities of certification on the basis of procedures, regulations or standards included in each entity certifying corps.

The policies

Goals of Certi W are:

CEO of Certi W, conscious of the need to offer his clients a certification service designed to meet the expectations of all parties concerned and determined to obtain international recognition as an independent certification body, competent and responsible, has implemented and maintains active a management system to ISO / IEC 17021-1. Simultaneously, CEO of Certi W-it assumes full compliance with the current legislation of each country, where he offers his services.

He undertakes:

-To raise the credibility of the international certification scheme;
-To be leader in Europe;
-To perform independently and impartially, assessment and certification of management systems, processes and services to applicants in accordance with the standards taken as a reference, as defined by ISO / IEC 17021-1 and with no discrimination.

To achieve its goals, Certi W keeps constantly under surveillance the implementation of all company procedures, ensuring their continuous monitoring and improvement of its services and, consequently, their satisfaction in full of all interested parties.

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